Source code for colorply.ui.gui

This is the python-colorply GUI.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Created on Sun Jul 14 10:17:54 2019
# @author: Cédric Perion | Arthur Dujardin

import sys

# PyQt
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QPushButton, QApplication, QFileDialog, QLineEdit, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, \
    QComboBox, QProgressBar, QLabel
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, QThread  # Threading

# Colorply modules
from colorply.process.improcess import add_cloud_channel
from colorply.ui.palette import set_dark_theme

[docs]class RunThread(QThread): signal = pyqtSignal('PyQt_PyObject') def __init__(self): super(RunThread, self).__init__()
[docs] def run(self, window): """ Run the process in a different thread. Parameters ---------- window : PyQT5 window The main window. Returns ------- None. """ imDir = window.imageDirLine.text() oriDir = window.imageOri.text() imExt = "." + str(window.imageExt.currentText()) cal = window.calibDirLine.text() inPly = window.inPlyLine.text() outPly = window.outPlyLine.text() channel = window.imageChannelLine.text() modestr = str(window.computeMethod.currentText()) mode = window.modeDict[modestr] # A sexy way to check if none of the fields are empty if len(oriDir) * len(imDir) * len(cal) * len(inPly) * len(outPly) * len(channel): try: window.warningLabel.setVisible(False) window.progress.setValue(1.0) window.progress.setMaximum(1.0) window.progress.setVisible(True) var = add_cloud_channel(inPly, outPly, cal, oriDir, imDir, imExt, channel, mode, window.progress) if var: window.warningLabel.setText("All done !") window.warningLabel.setVisible(True) return except FileNotFoundError: window.progress.setVisible(False) window.warningLabel.setText("One of the files / folders has not been found.") window.warningLabel.setVisible(True) return else: window.warningLabel.setVisible(True) window.progress.setVisible(False) return
[docs]class MainWindow(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # QThread.__init__(self) self.initUI()
[docs] def initUI(self): """ Initialyze the window with different buttons and actions. Returns ------- None. """ self.setWindowTitle('Python-colorply') hbox1 = QHBoxLayout() # image directory line hbox2 = QHBoxLayout() # orientation image directory hbox3 = QHBoxLayout() # calibration directory line hbox4 = QHBoxLayout() # input ply line hbox5 = QHBoxLayout() # output ply line hbox6 = QHBoxLayout() # channel, compute method and run button line hbox7 = QHBoxLayout() vbox = QVBoxLayout() # Image extension self.imageExt = QComboBox() self.extList = ["JPG", "jpg", "TIF", "tif", "PNG", "png", "CR2", "DNG"] # list of all extension available for k in range(len(self.extList)): # adding the possibilities self.imageExt.addItem(self.extList[k]) self.imageExt.setFixedWidth(50) # Compute method self.computeMethod = QComboBox() # dictionnary of all methods available self.modeDict = { "Average": "avg", "Random": "alea", "Weighted Average": "wavg", "Distance": "dist", } # adding the methods to a drop down menu for k in self.modeDict: self.computeMethod.addItem(k) # Text lines self.imageDirLine = QLineEdit() self.imageOri = QLineEdit() self.imageChannelLabel = QLabel("Channel name :") self.imageChannelLine = QLineEdit() self.calibDirLine = QLineEdit() self.inPlyLine = QLineEdit() self.outPlyLine = QLineEdit() self.warningLabel = QLabel("Error: please fill all the fields !") self.warningLabel.setVisible(False) # Buttons imageChooseButton = QPushButton("Choose your image folder") imageChooseButton.setFixedWidth(194) imageChooseButton.clicked.connect(self.select_image_dir) oriChooseButton = QPushButton("Choose orientation folder") oriChooseButton.setFixedWidth(250) oriChooseButton.clicked.connect(self.select_ori_dir) calibChooseButton = QPushButton("Choose your calibration file") calibChooseButton.setFixedWidth(250) calibChooseButton.clicked.connect(self.select_calib_dir) inPlyChooseButton = QPushButton("Choose your input PLY file") inPlyChooseButton.setFixedWidth(250) inPlyChooseButton.clicked.connect(self.select_input_ply) outPlyChooseButton = QPushButton("Choose your output PLY file") outPlyChooseButton.setFixedWidth(250) outPlyChooseButton.clicked.connect(self.select_output_ply) computeButton = QPushButton("RUN") computeButton.clicked.connect(self.compute) # Progress bar self.progress = QProgressBar(self) self.progress.setVisible(False) # Boxes hbox1.addWidget(self.imageDirLine) hbox1.addWidget(imageChooseButton) hbox1.addWidget(self.imageExt) hbox2.addWidget(self.imageOri) hbox2.addWidget(oriChooseButton) hbox3.addWidget(self.calibDirLine) hbox3.addWidget(calibChooseButton) hbox4.addWidget(self.inPlyLine) hbox4.addWidget(inPlyChooseButton) hbox5.addWidget(self.outPlyLine) hbox5.addWidget(outPlyChooseButton) hbox6.addWidget(self.computeMethod) hbox6.addWidget(self.imageChannelLabel) hbox6.addWidget(self.imageChannelLine) hbox6.addWidget(computeButton) hbox7.addWidget(self.progress) hbox7.addWidget(self.warningLabel) vbox.addLayout(hbox1) vbox.addLayout(hbox2) vbox.addLayout(hbox3) vbox.addLayout(hbox4) vbox.addLayout(hbox5) vbox.addStretch(1) vbox.addLayout(hbox6) vbox.addLayout(hbox7) self.setLayout(vbox)
[docs] def select_image_dir(self): """ Select the image directory from the window. Returns ------- None. """ fname = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, 'Select image directory') if fname: self.imageDirLine.setText(fname)
[docs] def select_ori_dir(self): """ Select the MicMac orientation directory from the window. Returns ------- None. """ fname = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, 'Select image orientation directory') if fname: self.imageOri.setText(fname)
[docs] def select_calib_dir(self): """ Select the MicMac calibration directory from the window. Returns ------- None. """ fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Select calibration file') if fname[0]: self.calibDirLine.setText(fname[0])
[docs] def select_input_ply(self): """ Select the input ply file from the window. Returns ------- None. """ fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Select input PLY file') if fname[0]: self.inPlyLine.setText(fname[0])
[docs] def select_output_ply(self): """ Select the output ply file from the window. Returns ------- None. """ fname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Select output PLY file name') if fname[0]: self.outPlyLine.setText(fname[0])
[docs] def compute(self): """ Run the process module, with different threads. Returns ------- None. """ thread = RunThread()
[docs]def interface(): """ Create the main window of Colorply. Returns ------- None. """ app = QApplication(sys.argv) app = set_dark_theme(app) window = MainWindow() app.exec_()