Multispectral Photogrammetry

This project was used for remote sensing classification from a multispectral camera. The camera Parrot Sequoia was first calibrated and tested on sample areas. Then, it was fixed to a civil drone and we flew over high altitudes forest to estimate the evolution of vegetation species. Colorply was used to create a multispectral cloud of points, to improve our classification by adding extra features. The clusters were made from a random forest skeleton, using all radiometries (RED, REG, NIR, GRE) and the points 3D positions.

In this repository, you can run the classification on the provided data [here](test/data/result/RVB_GRE_RED_REG_NIR_NDVI.ply). For this short example (for fast processing), the classification results are described as follows :


The confusion matrix for this sample is :

  Terrain Oak Shrub Grass
Terrain 410 0 0 16
Oak 0 260 10 0
Shrub 0 10 137 16
Grass 23 0 11 192

Global accuracy : 92.07%.
